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The History of the Richville Grange
Reprinted from the 1938 St Lawrence County Grange Yearbook

A meeting of the citizens of Richville and vicinity was held in the Forester Hall, Richville, New York, December 4, 1902, for the purpose of organizing a Grange. Deputy Fred Sheppard and Brother Gates were present and explained the benefit the members would receive and about the insurance. It was decided by those present to have a Grange to be known as Richville Grange No. 942 of the Patrons of Husbandry.


The following officers were elected and installed by Deputy Fred Sheppard: Master, Edward A. Rich; Overseer, John J. Shannon; Lecturer, Dr. F. D. Allen; Steward, A. F. Smith; Assistant Steward, Irving Johnson; Chaplain, Ford Smith; Treasurer, H. L. Patterson; Secretary, Evan E. Griffis; Gate Keeper, George Stiles; Ceres, Mary Allen; Pomona, Katie Chandler; Flora, Eliza Johnson; Lady Assistant Steward, Jennie Seavey. The first trustees were: Charles Walker, John Shannon, Calvin Mitchell.

The charter members were: Calvin Mitchell, Mrs. Calvin Mitchell, Evan E. Griffis, Mrs. Evan E. Griffis, Owen Jones, Charles McIntyre, Mrs. Charles McIntyre, Charles Johnson, Eliza Johnson, Moses Black,, Susan Gore, Joseph Kennedy, Elbert Bigelow, Henry Evans, Hattie Evans, Sarah Jenkins, Thomas Levis, William F. Hardy, Sarah Hardy, G. D. Buck, M. V. McIntyre, Adeline McIntyre, Clarence McIntyre, James Storie,


Henry Gray, Edward Rich, Ford Smith, G. D. Davis, Cora Davis, John E. Hayes, Elmer Seavey, Jennie Seavey, Wesley Van Namee, Hattie Van Namee, Fred Sayre, Mrs. Fred Sayre, Clinton McIntyre, Mrs. Clinton MacIntyre, Lillian Evans, S.V. R. Hendricks, John Gray, Harlow Holland, Guy Williams, B. F. Chandler, Katie Chandler, A. F. Smith, T. W. Ellis, Charles Shaw, Ida Shaw, Hannah Jones, Bennett Jones, Mrs. Bennett Jones, Aurellius Davenport, F. D. Allen, Mary Allen, John Spooner, J. B. Cass, Bernice Cass, Efford Smith, W.E. Gore, Charles Walker, H. L. Patterson, J.J. Shannon.


The Grange has bought the (Forester) Hall and have their meetings the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the evening. We have two honor seals and are trying to be a model grange. We also have a nice degree team.


Editors note: The Richville Grange was dissolved and their building sold in the 1960's.

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