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De Kalb Junction Grange
St. Lawrence County Grange Yearbook, 1938

Reprinted from the 1938 St. Lawrence County Grange Yearbook

De Kalb Junction Grange No. 1120 was organized November 8, 1907 with thirty-six charter members. The first officers were:


Master- J. H. Piercy,
Overseer- Truman Stacy,
Lecturer- Mrs. C. W. Austin,
Steward- L. D. Holland,
Assistant Steward-Co E. Hellegas,
Chaplain -L. C. Cahoon,
Treasurer-George Jeffers,
Secretary-Charles W. Austin,
Gate Keeper-George Rasey,
Ceres-Mrs. George Rasey,
Pomona-Mrs. L. C. Cahoon,
Flora-Mrs. Ed Huntress,
Lady Assistant Steward-Mrs. J. H. Piercy,
Organist-Mrs. Truman Stacy.


Bellinger's Store, Grange Hall, Lobdell's, unknown, Blacksmith shop (Main St.)

They commenced holding meetings on the first and third Saturdays of each month and have continued the same dates until the present time. We have always rented the hall until last November when the I. O. O. F. Hall was purchased. Membership consists of seventy-five at the present.




De Kalb Junction Juvenile Grange No. 378, was organized on September 24, 1936, with nineteen Charter Members. On the first and third Saturday of each month, meetings were held in a room adjoining the Subordinate Grange until increase in membership forced the Grange to secure a larger hall for their meetings. They then rented a place of their own and organized an orchestra which furnished music for their own amusement and also the public. A bazaar was held with members making toys, doll sets, fancy work. holders, hangers and aprons for sale at bazaar.


Ice cream socials were held during the summer to raise money; cake and cookie contests held for girls and a birdhouse building contest for boys in which winning houses were given to town people for community work. Bread-making was taught by the Matron for the girls desiring to learn this work. Hot dogs and buns were sold to raise money which was divided between the Grange and the orchestra. A Halloween party was sponsored by the Grange for all children desiring to attend. The orchestra took part in a program at the County-wide meeting.


The first year ended with 50 members and 17 Honorary Members. When the subordinate Grange purchased their hall, the Juveniles were provided with rooms to hold their meetings. At Christmas time the Juveniles participated in Community Work by sending cards to the shut-ins among the town people and subordinate Grange. A number of the members pieced blocks for the subordinate quilt. New curtains and altar decorations were bought for improvement of the Juvenile rooms. One juvenile and two honorary members have been added.


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